Union Minister Ajay Kumar Mishra’s son Ashish Mishra was arrested on Saturday after over 12  hours of questioning in connection with the Lakhimpur Kheri violence incident. He is the prime accused in the death of four farmers in Lakhimpur. He will be sent to judicial custody and the matter of sending him to police custody will be heard on Monday. 

The DIG, Upendra Agarwal said, Ashish Mishra has been arrested as he was not cooperating during the interrogation and did not answer few questions.

Ashish Mishra's lawyer said that the police had asked to keep Mishra in their custody but it was denied , and rather, he was kept in judicial custody.

"He will be in judicial custody for the time being. He was produced before the judicial magistrate and the police had demanded three-day custody, to which we objected. The matter will be heard on October 11 and it will be decided whether Mishra will be sent to police custody," Ashish Mishra's lawyer Awadesh Singh was quoted by PTI.

Eight people, including farmers, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers and a journalist, were killed in the violence that broke out on October 3 after an SUV allegedly ran over a group of anti-farm law protesters, who were demonstrating against Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya’s visit at Tikonia-Banbirpur road in Lakhimpur Kheri.