Lok Sabha Election 2019: Accusing the BJP and the AAP of reneging on promises made to the people of Delhi, the city Congress president Sheila Dikshit said her party would win all the Lok Sabha seats in the national capital in the upcoming polls. "They voted for the BJP and the AAP in previous elections but got lies and hollow promises in return," she alleged.

Dikshit, who is a three-time chief minister of Delhi, claimed that people still remember the development Congress governments brought to the city. She further pressed an attack on the ruling party AAP and said that Kejriwal-led party does not know how to work.

Accusing the AAP of making tall claims instead of working for the people, she asked people not to vote for it in the Lok Sabha elections. "The Lok Sabha polls are very important, do not vote for a party that tells lies and makes promises only," she said.

She asserted that the Congress was on the rebound in Delhi and people wanted it to form the next government at the Centre. "This large gathering rekindles hope that the Congress will win all the seven seats in Delhi," she said.

Mounting an attack on the BJP, Dikshit said the national capital was the filthiest under the party-ruled municipal corporations. "I had never seen Delhi so filthy before," she said.

Dikshit attacked Modi government, saying its decisions like the Goods and Services Tax and demonetisation have had a negative impact on people. "What happened to the promise of giving Rs 15 lakh and bringing back black money. The BJP only misled people," she charged.

She said that during the Congress rule, the metro fares were hiked only twice, whereas the Kejriwal government raised the fares twice in a year. The Metro project was never delayed when the Congress was in power. Now, the Phase III of the Metro was running behind schedule and there was no news about when will phase IV start, she said. Dikshit also attacked the AAP government over the worsening public transport system and air quality in Delhi.

(With inputs from PTI)