Sitharaman took to Twitter and posted a video in which she's seen welcoming the veterans and being greeted by people along with chants of "Bharat Mata Ki Jai", "Vande Mataram", and "How is the josh?" - one of the popular line from the movie. "Live from Central Spirit Mall, Bellandur, Bengaluru, to watch Uri (finally) with veterans. #HighJosh!" the Defence Minister tweeted.
Aditya Dhar's "Uri: The Surgical Strike", stars Vicky Kaushal and Yami Gautam. The film is a dramatisation of the Army's operation against terrorist camps in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir in 2016, in retaliation to an attack in Jammu and Kashmir's Uri that killed 17 Army personnel. It is already on its way to becoming one of the year's top grossers.
While watching the film today, the Defence Minister tweeted, "Finally finding time to watch it today :) #HighJosh", tagging actors Vicky Kaushal, Yami Gautam and the film's director Aditya Dhar and producer Ronnie Screwvala. Yes, #HighJosh, Sitharaman tweeted.
The Defence Minister also obliged for selfies with children and the public at the mall.
Sitharaman had on January 16 met the cast and crew of the film on the occasion of Army Day. Film's stars Vicky Kaushal, Yami Gautam, director Aditya Dhar and producer Ronnie Screwvala were part of the meeting that took place at Army Chief General Bipin Rawat's 'at home' function.