A day after praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi, former Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad has listed out the shortcomings in the grand-old party adding suggestions which, he claimed, are required to be brought within the Congress party.

Azad said that there are several shortcomings in the Congres party and that he hoped they would address the issues within the party. Recalling Congress's participation in the Indian freedom struggle, Azad said, "Freedom struggle was fought under Congress's leadership and I am confident that today's leadership will keep this fact in mind."

"It is unfortunate that today, a national party can not become the alternate party. It is dangerous for the democracy in India and in the world," he added.

Focusing on the importance of strong opposition, the former Congress MP said, "BJP is a national party and all ask which other party is a national party. It might be for the sake of name only, but it is important to have at least two national parties at hand. He said that a national party means every state has its elected representatives.

"Two party system is the minimum requirement for a democracy to thrive. and any party getting national status cannot become the alternative party getting. The work of leadership is to take all together and to follow the advice."

Azad mentioned that Congress leadership follows the advice only when it is in their favour. "Criticism within and outside the party is important and if a leadership cannot withstand the criticism, it is not worthy."

This came after, in a sharp retort to his critics after Prime Minister Narendra Modi's praise of him had raised eyebrows, former Congress stalwart Ghulam Nabi Azad said on Tuesday they have a "polluted mind" and need to go back to "kindergarten to learn ABC of politics".

According to PTI, former Rajya Sabha MP Azad slammed those who could not differentiate between farewell speeches and a routine one, saying their political acumen is "questionable at best".

Mincing no words in a wide-ranging interview to PTI, the former Congress veteran went further to suggest that such individuals should consider revisiting their basic understanding of politics, even suggesting a return to kindergarten to learn the rudimentary ABCs of political discourse.

Soon after Azad quit the Congress, several party leaders recalled Modi's lavish praise in his emotional speech in Parliament during Azad's farewell from Rajya Sabha to allege some sort of agenda.