New Delhi: In a shocking revelation, two out of the four girls, who were allegedly forced to to convert their religion in Jammu & Kashmir have 'confessed' that they adopted Islam on their own will and were not forced to do so. 

In the sensational video, one of the girls says she has given her statement in court accepting that she chose to change her religion willingly. She pointed out that she got converted to Islam in 2012 and was married in 2014 with her batchmate.

The girl also said that all the allegations for forceful conversion are baseless and she has recorded her statement in court.

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Several Sikh organizations in the country have condemned alleged religious conversion of Sikh girls in Jammu and Kashmir and demanded action against those responsible. Some have also sought intervention of the Prime Minister, Governor of J&K and the National Human Rights Commission.  

A massive controversy broke out after the over the allegations of alleged forced conversion of four women from the Sikh community to Islam in the union territory, with demands of implementation of the Inter-Caste Marriage Act and the enactment of an anti-conversion law to be implemented in the valley.