New Delhi: On Friday night, an 8-year-old Pakistani boy who accidentally crossed the Barmer border in Rajasthan was safely handed over to Pakistan Rangers by the BSF.

The boy has been identified as Karim from Nagarparker before he was handed over to the Pakistani authorities we was fed and taken care of by the Border Security Force (Gujurat Frontier) according to the media reports.

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ML Garg, deputy inspector general of Border Security Force (Gujarat Frontier) told HT that the lost boy started crying to calm him, the BSF guards gave him chocolates and food when they found him. 

According to a News18 report, Karim wandered into the Indian border at about 5 pm on Friday. The Border Security Force soldiers offered food to Karim who is said to be the  Daman Khan, a resident of Nagarparkar district in Pakistan.

Meanwhile, according to media reports Gemararam Meghwal the 19-year-old from Barmer who accidentally crossed the border on November 4th last year is still stranded in Pakistan. It is believed that the 19-year-old was caught by Pakistani Rangers and is under the custody of Pakistan’s Sindh police, efforts continue for his repatriation.

There have been many instances in the past when people of the neighbouring country accidentally cross the border. People who enter the Pakistani border end up spending months and sometimes years in Pakistan's jail before they are returned home.