New Delhi: In an interrogation conducted on the captured fidayeen suicide attacker from PoK Tabarak Hussain, it has been revealed that he was tasked by Pakistan Army's Col. Yunus to attack the Indian Army for around Rs 30,000. In a video posted by news agency ANI, Tabarak can be seen revealing his plans to launch an attack on the Indian army to disturb peace in the Jammu region but was successfully eliminated within 48 hours of two infiltration attempts along the Line of Control (LoC) in Naushera sector of Rajouri district, said Army’s 80 Infantry Brigade Commander, Brigadier Kapil Rana.

“It is the direct pointer towards our adversary across our western borders and sinister attempt to disrupt peace in Rajouri and Jammu region,” Rana said as quoted by PTI.

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During the interrogation of Tabarak, it was told that Colonel Yunus Chaudhary of Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI had given him a task, in which he had to reckon Indian Army posts on the LoC. He had racked up 3 posts, in return for which he got 30 thousand rupees. The terrorist told that on August 21, he had to carry out a fidayeen attack on a post. Before Tabarak could carry out any attack, the Indian Army personnel caught him in the Naushera sector.

Rana said the first attempt was made on August 21 when alert soldiers deployed in Jhangar spotted movement of two to three terrorists from across the LoC in the early hours.

“One terrorist came close to the Indian post and tried to cut the fence when he was challenged by alert sentries. The terrorist trying to flee, however, was brought down by the effective fire, incapacitating him,” he said.

He said two terrorists who were hiding behind, fled the area by taking cover of dense forest and broken ground. “The injured Pakistani terrorist was captured alive and provided with immediate medical aid and lifesaving surgery was came out.” Brigadier Rana said the captured terrorist revealed his identity as Tabarak Hussain, a resident of Sabzkot village of Koti in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir.

(With PTI Inputs)