New Delhi: Terrorists fired at and critically injured a policeman near Aiwa Bridge in the Safakadal area in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir Police informed on Saturday. The injured constable was shifted to a hospital. "Around 8:40 am, terrorists fired at and critically injured Jammu and Kashmir Police constable Ghulam Hassan near Aiwa Bridge in Safakadal area of the city," a police official said, as quoted by news agency PTI. The area has been cordoned off and a hunt has been launched to nab the attackers, the official informed.

Ghulam Hassan works as a driver for officers, his brother informed while condemning the attack.

"He left for duty at 7 am. 10 minutes later I received a call about him. He works just as a driver to officers...Has he caused harm to anyone? He did nothing. Such acts in our valley are wrong," the injured constable's brother said, as quoted by news agency ANI.

This incident comes as security forces in the union territory battle hiding militants in encounters and raids at suspected sites, while the nefarious elements also target security personnel through such shooting incidents.

In a major breakthrough, the security forces killed Ashraf Molvi, one of the oldest terrorists of Hizbul Mujahideen, along with two other militants, in an operation in South Kashmir on Friday. Molvi and the two other terrorists were killed in a forest in the Batkoot area of ​​Pahalgam in south Kashmir's Anantnag district. Confirming the news, Kashmir's Inspector General of Police (IGP) Vijay Kumar said that two other terrorists, including Ashraf Molvi, have been killed in Pahalgam.

Ashraf Molvi was made the operations commander of Hizbul Mujahideen in Kashmir after Riyaz Naikoo was killed two years back on May 6, 2020.

Mohammad Ashraf Khan alias Ashraf Molvi, a resident of the Tengpawa Kokernag area of ​​South Kashmir's Anantnag district had joined Hizbul Mujahideen in 2013 and soon became the most wanted terrorist in the Valley. IGP Kumar said that he was instrumental in recruiting local people into the terrorist organisation.

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A joint team of 19RR of Police and Army had cordoned off the area and launched a search operation in Batkoot forest. As the joint team of police intensified their search towards the suspected spot, the hiding terrorists opened fire on the search party, following which an encounter ensued in which all the three terrorists were killed.

More details about the fresh shooting incident are awaited.