The Army jawan from Kulgam who recently went missing has been recovered by Kulgam Police. Joint interrogation will start shortly after the medical checkup, Vijay Kumar, the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), Kashmir informed on Thursday. Last week, an Indian Army soldier identified as Javaid Ahmad Wani went missing from Kashmir's Kulgam district when he came to visit his family during his leave. Wani went missing on Saturday evening while his car was found in Paranhall, prompting fears that he could have been abducted by terrorists.

"Missing Army jawan has been recovered by Kulgam Police. Joint interrogation will start shortly after medical checkup. Further details shall follow: ADGP Kashmir," a tweet by Kashmir Zone Police read.

Earlier this week, Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police Dilbagh Singh on Tuesday said that the police have got some "vital leads" in the case of the missing soldier in Kulgam.

He said some elements are trying to disrupt the peaceful environment in Kashmir and the missing case of the soldier in Kulgam is one such attempt.

“We have got some vital leads in the case and are hopeful to crack the case soon. We will reach out to the bottom of the case shortly. It would be premature to comment further on the matter as investigations are in full swing,” the DGP said speaking to reporters at the culmination of J&K Police Martyr’s 19th Football Tournament final in Srinagar.

On the possibility of foreign terrorists' involvement in the missing case of the soldier, the DGP said nothing is clear as of now but “yes there are inputs about the presence of foreign terrorists in South Kashmir and they are being tracked down.”

More On It: Got 'Vital Leads' On Missing Kulgam Soldier, Will Crack Case Soon: J&K Top Cop

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