Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police Dilbagh Singh on Tuesday said that they have got some "vital leads" in the case of missing soldier in Kulgam. He said some elements are trying to disrupt the peaceful environment in Kashmir and the missing case of solider in Kulgam is one such attempt. “We have got some vital leads in the case and are hopeful to crack the case soon. We will reach out to the bottom of the case shortly. It would be premature to comment further on the matter as investigations are in full swing,” the DGP said.

Speaking to reporters at the culmination of J&K Police Martyr’s 19th Football Tournament final in Srinagar, DGP Singh, said that the “terrorism in Kashmir was down but not vanished fully yet.”

About the possibility of foreign terrorists in the missing case of a soldier in the Kulgam district, the DGP said nothing is clear as of now but “yes there are inputs about presence of foreign terrorists in South Kashmir and they are being tracked down.”

On the 5th anniversary of the abrogation of Article 370 on August 5, and how he sees the ground situation in Kashmir, the DGP said that change is visible as areas where one would not even dream of visiting are being explored by tourists. “There are hardly any law and order incidents. Terrorist numbers are at an all-time low. Tourists are visiting downtown areas and praising its beauty,” he said, adding that life is going on smoothly.

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“There is an unprecedented flow of tourists in Kashmir, plus the mega event of Amarnath Yatra is going on successfully and peacefully. Also, after a gap of 34 years, Muharram procession was taken out in Srinagar which reflects that people are enjoying the peaceful environment.”

Speaking on narco-terrorism, the DGP said that efforts are on from across to send huge consignments of narcotics into this side, but “police are foiling almost every attempt successfully.” “We are cracking the whip of suppliers and the chain involved in narco-terror. We have seized huge consignments of narcotics this year too,” he said.

Earlier, in his speech, the DGP said that he was happy to see great enthusiasm among the boys and girls in football. He said that downtown boys and girls have great talent, and the police will organize a mega event downtown soon.