At least twelve civilians were injured in a grenade attack launched by terrorists in the Pulwama district of Jammu Kashmir, CRPF officials said on Wednesday. ALSO READ | Pakistan Violates Ceasefire In 4 Districts Of Kashmir; 3 Civilians, 2 Jawans & 1 BSF Officer Killed

News Agency ANI quoted the security officials saying that terrorists lobbed a grenade on joint team of Police and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in Kakapora, in Pulwama today. The grenade missed the target and exploded on road injuring at least 12 civilians.

As per the officials, two civilians received splinter injuries during the incident following which they were soon shifted to a hospital for treatment. As per the latest updates, the area had been cordoned off and a man hunt has been launched to nab the militants.

The incident has come amost a week after the Pakistani Army resorted to unprovoked firing and shelling along the Line of Control (LoC) in 4 sectors in North Kashmir on Friday. The Indian Army said that suspicious movement was observed by troops at forward posts along LoC in Keran sector of Jammu and Kashmir.

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In the major flare up, two army soldiers and one BSF officer died in action. Panic gripped the residents of both the sectors forcing them to stay indoors. The shelling was going on from both the sides.

(With inputs from ANI)