Awantipora Police in Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday attached the house of a terror associate Azad Ahmad Teeli for providing shelter to two terrorists, after a special Pulwama court on Wednesday directed the officials to take action against Teeli. The police and territorial magistrate were present at the house along with some elders of the village. The police arrested Teeli in FIR NO 58/2020 in which he was chargesheeted under section 19 of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) for wilfully harbouring terrorists at his place.

These terrorists included self-styled the then chief commander of banned terror outfit Hizbul Mujahideen Reyaz Naikoo alias Zubair-Ul-Islam. Teeli's house has been attached u/s 33 of UAPA which mandates attachment proceedings even after the presentation of the charge sheet, if not done during the investigation, making it the first such case.

Meanwhile, the police urged the residents to not harbour or give shelter to terrorists, failing which they will be liable to action under the law including attachment of movable and immovable properties. They said in the case of any forced and coercive entry by terrorists into any house or vehicle, the matter should be brought to the notice of the Police immediately, otherwise proceedings under law shall follow including seizure/attachment of such properties.


Top J&K Security Officials Hold Security Review Meet 

On Wednesday, top security officials in Jammu and Kashmir reviewed the security situation in the Union Territory at a high-level meeting in Srinagar, as reported by the news agency PTI. The officials also took a review of the functioning of the security grid on Wednesday, officials said. The meeting of the Unified Headquarters held discussions on the security-related aspects in the Union Territory, the officials added. The meeting was attended by senior officers of the police, Army, CAPFs and civil administration.

It came amid recent attacks in the valley in which police personnel and a non-local labourer were killed, while another policeman was critically injured, PTI reported. The meeting discussed measures to stop the killings of civilians and police personnel in the valley, the officials said, as per the news agency.