Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir government has extended the ban on high-speed internet in all but two districts of Jammu and Kashmir till October 21. Only two districts of Ganderbal and Udhampur will have high-speed mobile internet services, which have been suspended in the state from 5th August 2019. ALSO READ | Unlock 5 Guidelines Released: Cinema Halls, Multiplexes, Swimming Pools Allowed To Operate From October 15

The fortnightly orders are issued after the Supreme Court told the government that the internet ban cannot continue indefinitely.

“Inputs from the law enforcement agencies suggest that concerted efforts continue to be made by Pakistan, with the help of separatists/anti-national elements within the J&K to facilitate infiltration of (militants), which depends heavily on high-speed internet as also propagate (militancy) by misuse of social media through the circulation of provocative audio/video content, fake news, and coordination of (militant) activities, which too rely upon high-speed mobile connectivity,” Shaleen Kabra, Principal Secretary Home Department said in an order.

“During the last fortnight, there have been a number of (militant) incidents and recovery of a huge cache of arms/ammunition, and, apprehending disruption to public order, with the larger aim of causing disaffection and discontent against the State, the mobile data services had to be completely suspended, though for limited durations, in some areas of the Kashmir Valley.”

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He said that keeping all that in view, the situation requires close monitoring including in the districts of Ganderbal and Udhmapur.

Considering the position and reports of the law enforcement agencies, inter-alia bringing out the necessity of speed-related restrictions on mobile data services to prevent its misuse, the Principal secretary ordered that directions issued on September 8 shall continue to remain in force till October 21 October unless modified.

The IGP, Kashmir and Jammu have been asked to ensure “communication of these directions to the service providers forthwith and their implementation in letter and spirit,” the order added.

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