New Delhi: Naushad Ali, the terrorist arrested in Delhi's Jahangirpuri area on January 12, revealed to the Delhi Police that he received instructions from his Pakistani handlers and tried going to Pakistan through Nepal twice but failed, news agency ANI reported sources as saying on Thursday. Naushad Ali and his associate Jagjit Singh alias Jagga were arrested last week in the national capital. They were said to be in touch with terrorists of the Harkat-ul Ansar outfit and the Hizbul Mujahideen, designated as a terror outfit in India.

According to ANI sources, Naushad revealed during the interrogation by the Special Cell that he was constantly receiving instructions from Pakistani handlers Asfaq and Suhail. He had constant contact with Pakistani terrorist Asfaq alias Arif, a special member of the terrorist organisation Lashkar-e-Taiba.

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"It was Arif who got Naushad to meet Suhail, another Pakistani terrorist. Suhail is also a member of the terrorist organisation LeT, which is currently operating from Pakistan," ANI quoted sources as saying. "Suhail had prepared a plan to target some big leaders of Punjab," they added, as per the report.

Naushad divulged that he had met Nadeem associated with the terrorist organisation Harkat-ul-Ansar when he was in jail. "After coming out of jail on parole, Nadeem had inducted Naushad into the Harkat-ul-Ansar organisation to work together for Jihad," ANI sources quoted him as saying.

Naushad was imprisoned for murder and was released from jail in 2018 after 25 years. He started working at the behest of Pakistani terrorist Suhail.

According to the report, Naushad also went to Nepal twice in 2019 to find a way to go to Pakistan. "But the Nepali officer through whom he was getting his Nepali passport made, was arrested on charges of bribery. And he was not able to escape to Pakistan," ANI sources said.

Naushad had been lodged in different jails in the country for almost 27 years. He met the terrorists of Pakistani terrorist organisations during that time, after which he started working for them.

Earlier, the Delhi Police said that the two arrested terrorists were in direct contact with at least four persons who have links with Pakistan-based terror organisation Harkat-ul Ansar and Hisbul Mujahideen.

The duo was also said to be in touch with certain gangsters namely Sunil Rathi, Neeraj Bawana, Irfan Chhenu, Hashim Baba, Ible Hasan, and Imran Pehelwan. The two arrested terrorists were tasked to carry out targeted attacks on "right-wing Hindu leaders," Delhi Police had said.