New Delhi: Two Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists were gunned down in an encounter with security forces in the Chowgam region of Jammu and Kashmir's Shopian district on Saturday morning, according to authorities.

Incriminating items, including rifles and ammunition, have also been discovered from the location, according to the Kashmir Zone Police. A search and rescue effort is now underway. 

"Two Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists neutralized in the encounter that broke out between security forces and terrorists in the Chowgam area of Shopian. One terrorist was involved in grenade firing & killing of civilians. Another terrorist had joined recently," IGP Kashmir Vijay Kumar said.

According to an official, the shootout began when a joint police and security team cordoned off the area and initiated a search operation based on specific information regarding the presence of terrorists.

The search developed into a confrontation as the concealed militants opened fire on a security forces search group, which reacted, he added.

An unnamed terrorist was killed earlier on Friday following an engagement between terrorists and security forces in Jammu and Kashmir's Anantnag's Mumanhal neighbourhood of the Arwani district.