In a late-night encounter, the Jammu and Kashmir police killed Two terrorists in the Bemina area of Srinagar, reported news agency ANI. One policeman also sustained minor injuries. The terrorists were linked with the terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and had intended to target the Amarnath yatra, which begins June 30.

"Two terrorists of proscribed terror outfit LeT neutralised by Srinagar Police in a swift encounter in Bemina area of Srinagar. One policeman also received a minor injury," tweeted the Kashmir zone police, as reported by ANI.

The police authorities called the encounter 'a big success' and said they were tracking the killed terrorists after they escaped the Sopore encounter. 

"This was the same group of terrorists, who escaped from the Sopore encounter. We have been tracking their movement," the tweet read further.

According to the police, the terrorists belonging to the  LeT terror outfit had ben sent by Pakistan to carry target the Amarnath Yatra that begins from June 30. A local terrorist Adil Hussain Mir of Pahalgam-Anantnag was also assisting them in their plan and was staying in the country since 2018.

"Pakistan-based handlers had sent two Pakistani terrorists of LeT terror outfit along with one local terrorist Adil Hussain Mir of Pahalgam-Anantnag, who has been in Pakistan since 2018 (now all 3 killed), with the intention to attack Yatra," added Kashmir zone police in another tweet.

From the documents retrieved, the terrorists killed in the encounter have been identified as Abdullah Goujri and Adil Hussain Mir (Sufian Musab) of Pakistan.