India on 15 August grew a year older and freer as the nation celebrates its 74th Independence Day with national zeal and fervor. The Independence Day serves as a telling reminder to each citizens about the supreme sacrifices our freedom fighters made during the national movement to free us from the clutches of slavery imposed by the Colonial rule and help us attain Independence on 15th August 1947.

While Prime Minister Narendra Modi unfurled the national flag for a seventh time on the ramparts of the red fort and addressed the nation harping upon his mantra of 'Atmanirbharta', vocal for local, lauding the Covid-19 warriors and the brave hearts of the armed forces, the Tri Colour was also hoisted by Chief Ministers and Governors in various states and Union Territories across the nation.

However, one image which stood out from the rest was the Indo Tibetean Border Police (ITBP) Jawans hoisting the national flag and celebrating the Independence Day in the frontier areas of our nation in the Ladakh sector along the Chinese border.

There was another video posted by news agency ANI where a section of ITBP troops stood in a uniform line and the leaders of the section waved the national flag and the ITBP flag on the banks of the Pangong Tso Lake situated at an altitude of 14000 feet along the LAC in Ladakh. With the flags in their hands, the soldiers chanted 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai' and 'Vande Mataram' in honour and respect of their motherland.

The images remind us of the daredevil defence forces who stand vigilant and alert against the adversary at our borders to put their lives at stake and protect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our motherland.

Indo Tibetean Border Police Force (ITBP) is a paramilitary force, which is responsible for guarding the 3,488-km de facto border (or the Line of Actual Control (LAC) between India and China along the Himalayan region from Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand to Arunachal Pradesh during peace time.