The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) blasted former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah on Saturday for his "outsider" statement, claiming that he is demeaning Jammu and Kashmir people by referring to them as "outsiders," news agency ANI reported

Farooq Abdullah, former J&K chief minister and chairman of the People's Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD), stated during the all-party conference that they do not want outsiders to be granted voting rights in Jammu and Kashmir.

The all-party conference was held in response to the proposed addition of around 2.5 million voters, including non-locals, on Jammu and Kashmir's election records.

In response to Abdullah's remark, BJP National General Secretary and in-charge of Jammu and Kashmir Tarun Chugh said, "After all, who is Farooq Abdullah sahib calling voters as outsiders, he is insulting the people of Jammu and Kashmir by using such language. Explain what you mean by outsiders. 

"According to the Election Commission, every Indian above the age of 18 can vote in the province in which he resides. Citizens of Jammu and Kashmir who have reached the age of 18 are therefore eligible to vote," he said. 

"Is Farooq Abdullah outsider remark is referring to any religion, province or caste. This is incomprehensible and the meaning of the outside party is also not understood. What is the meaning of outside, that outside party will not come to Jammu and Kashmir, what is the meaning of Farooq Abdullah? Has the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Party of Imran Khan come to Jammu and Kashmir or Sharif family come from Pakistan Muslim League, is contesting elections? Farooq sahib should not complicate the problems and create confusion," he further added. 

He went on to say that any political party in the nation has the right to run for office in any area of the country, and that the Bharatiya Janata Party's Jan Sangh has been present in Jammu and Kashmir since the 1950s.

"What are you talking about the new law, no such law has been made there which has not been passed in the Parliament but Farooq Abdullah is trying to create a problem in the Union Territory. But now he should understand that people of Jammu and Kashmir will not act as per his command," he said.

According to a BJP leader, Jammu and Kashmir has advanced, but Farooq Abdullah remains mired in 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s politics.

"Development, trust and connecting citizens with democracy is the agenda of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. More than 21 lakh people have voted for Prime Minister's development agenda in DDC elections, BDC elections, Panchayat elections, people have voted for Modi's vision and Modi ji's vision is succeeding," he said.

Chugh stated that election rules apply throughout the country, including Kerala and Delhi, and that citizens' rights in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, or any other part of the country are the same as citizens' rights in Jammu and Kashmir, while requesting Farooq Abdullah not to confuse people with his misinformation.

"Not a single vote should be made of a person who is not a citizen, who is not more than 18 years of age and Farooq Abdullah Saheb voter list will be given to all the political parties and there will also be a chance to check the list and if you have any objection you can raise and the Election Commission will take cognizance of it and accept it but do not humiliate the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir by calling them outsiders," he added.

On Saturday, an all-party meeting was conducted at Farooq Abdullah's residence in Jammu.

Farooq Abdullah stated after the meeting that they do not want outsiders to be granted voting rights in the Union Territory.

"Leaders of all political parties are present today. We do not want outsiders to get voting rights in Jammu and Kashmir. We cannot trust the assurances given by the CEO of J-K. People from different parties have come together and brought different issues because they feel that their rights are being attacked every day with new laws coming. We do not accept parties coming from outside," he said. 

(With Inputs From ANI)