New Delhi: Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi on Tuesday claimed that her children's Instagram accounts were hacked. Priyanka Gandhi made the remarks while referring to the phone-tapping charges levelled against the Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh by SP president Akhilesh Yadav.

When questioned about reports that the government had tapped the phones of opposition leaders, Priyanka Gandhi said, "They're even hacking my children's Instagram accounts, let alone phone tapping. Do they not have any other work?"

'All Our Phones Are Being Tapped': SP Chief

In a news conference on Sunday, Akhilesh Yadav, the leader of the Samajwadi Party, accused Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath of 'phone-tapping'.

"All our phones are being tapped and our conversations are being recorded. All the phones in the party office are being listened to, the CM himself is listening to some of the recordings in the evening. If you contact us, then know that your call is being listened to by them," the SP chief alleged.

'Probably Akhilesh Did Something Similar When He Was In Power': UP CM

Responding to the allegations of phone-tapping, the UP Chief Minister said, "Probably Akhilesh did something similar when he was in power. So now, he is accusing others."

Priyanka Gandhi Takes A Swipe At PM Modi

On Tuesday, Priyanka Gandhi claimed that her "Ladki hoon, lad Sakti hoon" (I'm a female, I can fight) campaign compelled Prime Minister Narendra Modi to speak at a Prayagraj women's convention.

"Due to 'Ladki hoon, Lad sakti hoon' campaign of Congress, PM has to work for women. PM has bowed before the women power. This is a victory of women of Uttar Pradesh," she tweeted.

Addressing a rally in Prayagraj, PM Modi reached out to women voters in poll-bound UP, saying women were happy with the government's decision to raise the marriage age to 21. Modi was speaking after participating in a programme where he transferred Rs 1,000 crore to the bank accounts of self help groups to benefit around 16 lakh women.

(With inputs from PTI)