New Delhi: India is bustling with preparations to welcome the President of the United States Donald Trump who will arrive on his maiden India visit on February 24th. Accompanied by wife Melania Trump and a high-level delegation, Trump will arrive in Ahmedabad around noon on February 24 for a little less than 36-hour-long trip. From Ahmedabad, he will travel to Agra before arriving at the national capital for the main leg of the visit.

Wherever Donald Trump travels, the Secret Service agents travel with him to keep him safe. It is tasked with protecting the POTUS in US and anywhere else in the world where he travels.

Here are some  interesting facts about how the Secret Service agents are always on their toes to keep the US President safe:

  • If the American President has to go outside the American soil, then as per the secret service protocol, his programme has to be made at least 30 days in advance, because for the American president it takes at least these many days to complete the rule book for protection.

  • Wherever the American President has to go, a month ago a team from the Secret Service would arrive The size of the first team is small. It consists of 10 to 12 officers.

A vehicle which is part of a convoy that will escort US President Donald Trump during his upcoming visit, arrives in Ahmedabad. (PTI Photo)

  • As soon as the work of the protection of the American President starts, the Embassy Secret Service of that country turns into a base camp. All the employees of the Embassy are required to obey the Secret Service orders.

  • The first team collects information about the places where the American President has to go. Coordinates are sent to the satellite monitoring team. As soon as the American satellite receive this information, the specific cities become its focus area and data analysis of the satellite is started.

  • At the local level, the American team together with the local police officers collect the ground security data. The Secret Service protocol says that the information of the local information agency is not considered strong unless it is confirmed by satellite intelligence or American sources. That is, the secret service team crosschecks every information.

(File Photo/ AFP)

  • Basic information is collected after another team reaches that country. Size of this team is much larger than the first team. This team consists of about 50 secret service agents. The job of this team is to conduct technical survey in those places and protect the American President. For this, monitoring equipment and other equipment have to be laid.

  • American agents protect the communication system of that country during the protection of the American President.

  • Preparation of list of possible threats: For this report, top officials of secret service, and other agencies of America work with CIA and analyse the data collected during this period along with the secret alerts and creates a list of potential hazards and people. As soon as this list is made, the Secret Service sends a report to the CIA to lock these people

(Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP)

  • About 10 days before the arrival of US President, the third team of the Secret Service reaches that country. This team consists of a team of officers of the inner layer wing of the Secret Service. Explosive experts and dog squads arrive with this team. This team starts capturing those places where the American President has to go.

  • A second team designs the travel route of the US President. According to the protocol the US President has to travel the minimum on the ground. The land route needs to have a hospital at not more than 10 minutes distance.

  • US President's Secret Services travel with all the necessary accessories and medicines and equipment. Secret Service's Doctor also runs alongside the American contingent.

Agra: Indian security personnel patrol the premises of Taj Mahal ahead of US President Donald Trump's visit, in Agra. (PTI Photo)

  • The full blueprint of the who will react in the event of any emergency is prepared before President’s arrival in that country.

  • Secret Service prepares three options for every route. Even those agents on the ground are not aware which route will the President take.

  • Drones take a close look at every movement of the President and every movement around him.