Iqbal Singh Lalpura, chairman of the national commission for minorities (NCM), stated on Sunday that Indians stuck in Libya had been rescued by the NCM with the assistance of the ministry of external affairs and the Indian embassy in Tunisia, news agency ANI reported. 

As per the report, Iqbal Singh Lalpura announced the evacuation during a press conference on Sunday. He stated that the NCM is constantly working to ensure that no atrocities are committed against minorities.

The national minorities commission is in constant contact with the external affairs minister to ensure that minorities living outside India suffer no difficulties, the ANI reported citing Lalpura's statement. 

He revealed during the press conference that it was discovered in February that some persons had been illegally transported from India to Dubai and then Libya, according to the report. 

Since India doesn't have an embassy in Libya, the NMC immediately contacted External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar to discuss the situation.

Lalpura revealed that the injured Indians were also suffering from a scarcity of food and water, according to the report.

First, four people were saved, and on February 13 they returned home.

While eight people remained lost and had no supplies or money. The remaining eight people returned to India on March 2, according to information provided to the media by Iqbal Singh Lalpura, chairman of the National Commission for Minorities (NCM).

The chairman of NCM also expressed gratitude to the EAM and let Indians living abroad know that the MEA is available to assist them if they run into any problems. He also requested that Punjab's government take legal action against those responsible for their predicament.

When the regime of the late leader, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), fell in 2011, Libya has seen bloodshed and instability.

As the dictatorship of the late leader Muammar Gaddafi collapsed in 2011, the nation has been experiencing increasing violence and unrest.

Currently, the country is split between a government that was chosen by the House of Representatives in March and the Government of National Unity, which is based in Tripoli and won't cede power to anybody other than an elected government.

(With Inputs From ANI)