New Delhi: The Indian Railways issued an order on Friday, saying it had decided to redesignate the post of 'guard' as 'train manager' with immediate effect.
From now on, assistant guard will be known as assistant passenger train manager, goods guard as goods train manager, senior goods guard as senior goods train manager, senior passenger guard as senior passenger train manager and mail/express guard as mail/express train manager.
"The issue of re-designation of 'Guard' as 'Train Manager' has been under deliberation in Board in consultaion with recongnised federations. It has now been decided by the Board to redesignate 'Guard' as 'Train Manager'," the order said.
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Railways said the revised designation was more in consonance with their existing duties and responsibilities and would improve the motivation level of guards.
However, the revision in designations will not entail any change in their pay levels, method of recruitment, existing duties and responsibilities, seniority and avenues of promotion, the Ministry of Railways said in a press release to the General Managers of all Indian Railways/PUs.
The redesignation comes following the Railways effecting a corporate image makeover after adding the title of CEO to the post of Railway Board Chairman.
With the Railways planning to allow private players to operate trains, these changes in nomenclature are natural and in line with modernisation of the railways, PTI quoted officials as saying.
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