New Delhi: Indian Army veterans others criticized the Indian Army's decision to take down a tweet which showed them holding an Iftar party for the civilian population in Doda district, Jammu and Kashmir. This was allegedly deleted after being trolled by extremists who felt offended by the pictures which highlighted the secular character of the armed forces, PTI reported.

The now-deleted tweet on the Twitter handle of PRO Defence Jammu read “Keeping alive the traditions of secularism, an Iftaar was organised by the Indian Army at Arnora in Doda district.” It was accompanied by several photographs showing the Army and civilians breaking the Ramzan fast together, a senior officer interacting with locals and a uniformed person joining Namaz' (prayers).

The tweet which was uploaded on April 21 was deleted within hours after the handle came under attack from trolls who were apparently against the secular nature of the Indian Army which holds Sarva Dharma Sthal' – a place of worship for all religions in all its formations across the country.

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According to PTI, an Army spokesperson declined to comment on the issue but an Army officer on the condition of anonymity said the force had not only tweeted about the function but also issued an official release as Iftaar parties are a regular feature during the fasting month of Ramzan to build a strong bond with the public.

It was surprising and sad to see the reaction of certain people to the tweet which triggered unnecessary debate and was killing the basic message of upholding communal harmony, the officer was quoted by PTI.

One of the tweets read, “Now this disease has spread even in the Indian Army? Sad”, by a social media user referring to the Army hosting the Iftaar party triggered a debate in support and against the Army.

However, the removal of the tweet from the Army handle did not go down well with the veteran soldiers.

Indian Army has been at the forefront of interfaith harmony. We as officers take pride in the fact that we have NO religion, we just adopt the religion of the troops we command, Maj Gen (retd) Yash Mor tweeted.

Another tweet read, "Citizens attacking ethos & spirits of Armed Forces should know they are attacking the guardians of their freedom & sovereignty & rights to free speech."