New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold a meeting with the chief ministers on the emerging covid-19 situation in the country on Wednesday, April 27, officials told news agency PTI on Saturday. The meeting will take place via video conferencing and Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan will make a presentation on the issue, officials added. 

After months of a decline, covid-19 cases in the country are on a rise again with 2,527 fresh cases reported in a day. Currently, India’s total tally of cases has risen to 4,30,54,952, while active cases have reached 15,079, as per the data updated by the Union health ministry on Saturday. 

As per the latest update, the death toll climbed to 5,22,149 with 33 fresh fatalities.

The active cases consist of 0.04 percent of the total infections, while the recovery rate stands at 98.75 percent, the health ministry stated. 

An increase of 838 cases has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in 24 hours.

Meanwhile, Delhi is witnessing a sudden surge in covid cases with more than 1,000 cases recorded on Saturday along with two fatalities. 

Due to this surge, the Delhi government has made masks mandatory in public places. Those found violating the rule will be fined Rs 500, the government said on Friday. 

Meanwhile, the Delhi government is not the only one to mandate masks in public places. Recently, the Uttar Pradesh and Haryana governments had also imposed rules to make masks mandatory in view of the rising covid-19 cases.