New Delhi: On the occasion of National Doctors' Day 2021, ABP News brings to you an e-Conclave India vs Corona 3.0 with renowned doctors and medical practitioners as panelists to understand the effects of Covid second wave and the challenges India will have to face if the third wave hits the country.

There is a huge scare of third-wave hitting the country after a treacherous second wave. With still nearly 50,000 cases a day India is recording it is evident that the second wave hasn't vanished yet and the vaccines are being touted as life saviours, here what the noted doctors have to say on this special event 'India vs Corona 3.0 e-Conclave'.


1. Can we stop the third wave from hitting India?

Dr Neeraj Nishchal, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, AIIMS: It depends upon people how early the third wave can hit. It depends upon how strictly the Covid guidelines are being followed. Getting vaccinated would play a major role in flattening the Covid curve. We could save people who have got admitted to the hospital after taking jabs but it was tough for people to survive the deadly infection without being vaccinated."  

2. Can vaccines be effective against all the Covid variants?

Getting vaccinated is important as the vaccine prevents the virus to be more mutating and virulent and when it comes to being effective for all variants, it is effective for the variants we have seen so far and also it depends upon how immune a Covid patient is. Here Darwin's theory is applicable here: 'Survival of the fittest'. People shouldn't be wary of its impact for now. They should go ahead and get jabs which will be good for them and adversely for the country. 

3. How important is it for people to follow Covid guidelines?

If the government is imposing lockdowns it should be followed. There should be awareness in people, if the government is unlocking it is to settle the economy it doesn't mean people can get lethargic by not following basic Covid protocols. This issue can be settled if there are efforts from both sides. People should support the government and abide by the lockdown norms.   

4. What is Maharashtra's current situation?

Dr Shashank Joshi, Maharashtra Task Force: We haven't come out of second-wave yet and there are still districts of concern in Maharashtra and if people are reluctant to follow government guidelines this might as well convert into the third wave which is presumed to be more virulent.

5. What role does vaccination play to stop this virus? 

Vaccine plays a major role in keeping the virus low key. If a person is infected, there will be very little possibility of passing on to others. And most importantly, I have complete confidence in the Indian govt that they can provide a required number of vaccines according to the demand. If we have to get all the citizens of the country to be vaccinated by December 2021, the government should be able to vaccinate 1 crore a day from August and it should continue for three months. Then there is a possibility of getting the whole country vaccinated and warding off the virus away. 

6. Will there other variants in future and how dangerous it can be?

Dr Samiran Panda, Head of Virology, ICMR: There might be many other mutants and this is not only persistent with Coronavirus but there are mutations for other diseases also and this doesn't necesarily mean all the mutations or variants are dangerous. The correct and consistent use of face mask and other precautions should be done properly. ICMR and imperial college of London came together for a study, which says third-wave can hit but it's might not be as dreadful as the second wave.