New Delhi: In what could disturb the kitchen budget of the housewives, after fuel, edible oil, eggs, milk, now cooking gas cylinders to cost more from today as the state-owned oil marketing companies (OMCs) have increased the price of 14.2 kg LPG cylinders by Rs 25.5 a cylinder and 19-kg cylinder by Rs 76.5 a cylinder with effect from July 1.

The 14-kg domestic LPG cylinders will now cost Rs 834.5 a cylinder in Delhi and Mumbai from Rs 809 a cylinder charged in June. Among the metros, the price of cooking will cost the most in Kolkata with a price of Rs 861 a cylinder, followed by Chennai with a price of Rs 850.50 a cylinder.

Similarly, the 19-kg LPG cylinder will now cost Rs 1550 a cylinder in New Delhi from the earlier price of Rs 1473.5.

In the last six months, LPG prices had risen by Rs 140 per 14.2-kg cylinder.

LPG cylinder rates are revised at the beginning of each month based on the international benchmark rate of LPG and the US dollar and rupee exchange rate.

The LPG price increase comes when petrol and diesel prices are at all-time highs across the country and are inching towards a three-digit figure in several metro cities.

LPG is only available at market prices throughout the country, though the government provides subsidies to a select group of consumers.

Since November of last year, international crude oil and petroleum product prices have been steadily rising. As India is largely import-dependent on crude oil and the prices are market-linked, the increase in global prices increases the domestic cost of petroleum products.