New Delhi: Notwithstanding the ongoing efforts to simmer down the tensions between India and China, Chinese Army  has brought back its tent at the site of the clash in Galwan Valley, within 10 days of the violence. Sources have claimed that the tent-like structure that had been destroyed by Indian troops on June 15 skirmish, has now been re-pitched by the Chinese side- a move that can escalate the tensions which were expected to settle down after the military level talks which had yielded a positive conclusion. Also Read | Ladakh Standoff: India-China Border Talks Positive, Reached 'Mutual Consensus' To Disengage, Says MEA

ABP News has learnt that China has erected its tents at Patrolling Point 14 of Galwan Valley, at the same point where Indian and Chinese troops had clashed. 20 of Indian soldiers were killed in the fight, dealing over 40 casualties to Chinese side.  The tent has been spotted in a fresh satellite image as well.

Days of high tensions had followed the skirmish, with high-level meetings and deliberations on national security level in both the countries. Finally in Monday talks, a mutual consensus on disengagement was reached, but apparently China has turned back on its promise again.

Military level talks: consensus on disengagement from all friction points

Both India and China on Wednesday arrived at a "mutual consensus to disengage" from all four friction points in eastern Ladakh, in a significant development that came days after armies of both countries held senior military commanders-level talks to ease the weeks-long standoff. Also Read: India Asks Pak High Commission To Cut Staff By 50%; A Look At Series Of Events Which Led To Downgrading Of Ties

Two delegations agreed that implementation of this understanding expeditiously, in accordance with the bilateral agreements and protocols, would help ensure peace and tranquillity in border areas and development of broader relationship between the two countries, Minister of External Affairs said.

The two sides also agreed to maintain communication both at diplomatic and military level including under the framework of Working Mechanism for Consultation & Coordination on India-China Border Affairs to resolve the existing situation peacefully, said MEA.

 Also Watch: China pitches tent in Galwan region again

After the Galwan Valley clash, the two sides held at least three-rounds of Major-General-level talks to explore ways to bring down tension. However, despite the efforts, China’s adamancy against stepping back from the site of clash, may lead to build-up of tensions again.