Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday called for speedy action against atrocities on women amid an uproar over the rape and murder of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Medical College last week. Addressing that nation from the ramparts of Red Fort on the occasion of the 78th Independence Day, Modi said there is an outrage against it in the country and urged the state governments to take it seriously. 

"...I would like to express my pain once again, from the Red Fort today. As a society, we will have to think seriously about the atrocities against women that are happening - there is outrage against this in the country. I can feel this outrage," said PM Modi. 

"The country, society, State Governments will have to take this seriously. Speedy investigation of crimes against women, those executing these monstrous deeds be awarded strict punishment at the earliest - this is important to instil confidence in society," the PM stressed. 

The Prime Minister also called for extensive discussion on those receiving punishment for such acts. 

"I would also like to say that when rapes and incidents of atrocities on women occur, it is widely discussed. But when a person of such monstrous tendency is punished, it is not seen in news, but restricted to a corner," he remarked. 

Calling it the "need of the hour", the PM said "extensive discussion" is needed on the convicts receiving punishment "so that those committing this sin understand that this leads to hanging." 

"I think it is very important to instil this fear," he added.