New Delhi: The Indian Military Academy (IMA) on Saturday morning held the Passing out Parade (PoP) for the 146 Regular Course and 129 Technical Graduate Course.  423 officers took part in the parade including 90 Gentleman Cadets from nine friendly foreign countries.  Parents were not allowed to attend the ceremony this year due to the rising number in coronavirus cases. Also Read| Army Chief Naravane Assures Border Situation With China Under Control, Hopeful Of Resolving The Differences

The Chief Of Army Staff Gen. Naravane inspected the parade and inducted the officers into the Army. Due to COVID-19 related constraints, the parade was organized keeping in mind social distancing and other norms, the cadets marched the army wearing face masks.

Addressing the batch of officers passing out, COAS Gen. Naravane welcomed them to the Indian Army, reminding them that they were at the service to the nation beginning from Saturday. Further, the COAS said the Indian Army did not discriminate on the basis of caste, creed, religion, or gender and assured them of equal growth and service opportunities for all. Gen. Naravane also congratulated the parents of the cadets and expressed regret over families missing out on the ceremony.

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