New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday dedicate to the nation 216-feet tall ‘Statue of Equality’ in Hyderabad commemorating the 11th century Bhakti Saint Sri Ramanujacharya.

“India is embodying human energy and inspirations through this grand giant statue of Jagadguru Shri Ramanujacharya ji,” said Prime Minister Modi in his address on the occasion.

“This statue of Ramanujacharya ji is a symbol of his knowledge, detachment and ideals,” he added.

Prime Minister Modi said Shri Ramanujacharya’s statue is being installed on the auspicious occasion of Basant Panchami with the blessings of Goddess Saraswati.

“In today's world, when it comes to social reforms, progressivism, it is believed that reforms will take place away from the roots,” said Prime Minister Modi.

“But when we see Ramanujacharya ji, we realize that there is no contradiction between progressiveness and antiquity,” he added.

Prime Minister Modi said there should be development and social justice without discrimination.

“Those who were harassed for centuries should become partners of development with full dignity, the changing India is making a united effort for this,” he added.

Prime Minister Modi said Ramanujacharya is giving the nation the message of equality in the form of a huge ‘Statue of Equality’.

“With this message, today the country is laying the foundation of its new future with the mantra of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Prayas’,” he added.

The inauguration of the ‘Statue of Equality’ is a part of the 12-day Sri Ramanuja Sahasrabdi Samaroham, the ongoing 1000th birth anniversary celebrations of Sri Ramanujacharya.

Lauding Prime Minister Modi, Chinna Jeeyar Swami said the former held the head of India and the Hindus high in front of the world.

Prime Minister Modi, who was clad in devotional golden attire, also took a tour of the temple premises where replicas of 108 Vishnu temples, including Badrinath, Ayodhya, Tirumala, have been placed.

During the programme, 3D Presentation Mapping on the life journey and teaching of Sri Ramanujacharya was also showcased.

‘Statue of Equality’ - All You Need To Know

The 216-feet tall ‘Statue of Equality’ commemorates the 11th century Bhakti Saint Sri Ramanujacharya, who promoted the idea of equality in all aspects of living including faith, caste and creed.

The statue is made of ‘panchaloha’, a combination of five metals: gold, silver, copper, brass, and zync and is among one of the tallest metallic statues in sitting position in the world.

It is mounted on a 54-ft high base building, named ‘Bhadra Vedi’, has floors devoted for a Vedic digital library and research centre, ancient Indian texts, a theatre, an educational gallery detailing many works of Sri Ramanujacharya.

The statue has been conceptualised by Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami of Sri Ramanujacharya Ashram.