During a drugs party on a cruise going from Mumbai to Goa, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Sunday night raided and detained ten people, including the son of a big actor, according to ABP News sources

NCB Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede declined to comment on the matter as it is still under investigation. A total of 8 people including 2 women have been taken into custody after the raid. 

NCB issued an official statement regarding the same: 

"On the basis of specific information, the officials of NCB Mumbai conducted a raid on Cordelia cruise which was bound from Mumbai to Goa on 02.10.2021. During the operation, all suspects as per the information were searched various drugs like MDMA/ Ecstasy, Cocaine, MD (Mephedrone) and charas has been recovered. A total of 08 persons including 02 females have been apprehended and their role being investigated in relation to the said recovery. NCB Mumbai has registered Crime no. Cr 94/21 in this matter. Further investigation is underway."

How Did The NCB Plan This Raid?

Officials told IANS that a few days back, they had received a tip-off on the proposed rave party that was planned aboard a cruise ship bound for Mumbai to Goa. The NCB officials also inducted themselves into the party. 

To avoid detection, the NCB officers booked themselves on the cruise as passengers and they soon found some of their co-passengers consuming drugs.

According to our sources, an official said that the people involved had taken drugs by hiding in the stitching of their pants, in the handles of women's purses, in the stitching part of the underwear, and in the stitching of the collar.

However, NCB is once again verifying all this information and is also asking questions related to it from the people.

What has happened in this case so far?

This drugs party was organized in the middle of the sea, where there is no fear of any police. Due to this, the entry fee of this rave party was from 80 thousand to 5 lakh rupees.

The capacity of this cruise is about 2000 people, less than 1 thousand people were present here. The invitation to this party was done using social media platforms like Instagram, for which some people were invited by presenting attractive kits.


(With Inputs from IANS and Suraj Ojha)