New Delhi: Amid the political turmoil that has gripped the Himachal Pradesh government, following the unexpected defection of six Congress MLAs who supported the BJP candidate in the Rajya Sabha elections, a wave of discontent has emerged within the Congress ranks. Punjab Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu launched a scathing attack on Wednesday, urging for a comprehensive evaluation of the party's “assets and liabilities”. He also stressed the need to “purge” the party of individuals whose actions prioritise personal gain over the collective welfare.

Taking to X, Sidhu wrote, “The Himachal fiasco calls for an assessment of assets and liabilities for The Grand Old Party??? ….

“Masqueraders” on plum posts covertly dancing to the tunes of agencies like CBI, ED and IT have spelt dooms day for us many a times.”

“The loss is not Dr Abhishek Manu Singhvi saheb's but larger... It is essential to purge the party of those who prioritise personal gain over the collective good, for their actions inflict profound wounds on the party's very existence. The wounds might heal but the mental scars will remain. Their gain is the Congress worker's biggest pain. Loyalty is not everything but the only thing!!!,” he wrote.

According to reports, the disgruntled MLAs cited grievances with Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu's leadership style as the driving force behind their defection, further complicating the political landscape in the state.

The defection of these six MLAs has thrown the Congress government into disarray, casting doubts on its ability to maintain power.

However, CM Sukhu expressed confidence in his government's capacity to fulfil its full five-year term and warned against any attempts to destabilise the democratically elected government, asserting that such endeavours would be thwarted.

“We've brought disqualification motion against them (Congress MLAs who voted for BJP candidate in RS polls) and hearing for the same is underway. The budget was passed today and the conspiracy to topple our govt has been foiled and our govt will complete five years,” ANI quoted CM Sukhu as saying.