Amid the ongoing political crisis in the state, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said that the budget session has been passed and the conspiracy to topple the government has been foiled.

The Himachal Pradesh Assembly session was adjourned sine die on Wednesday after passing the budget for 2024-25 by voice vote, though not a single BJP member present in the house.

"We've brought disqualification motion against them (Congress MLAs who voted for BJP candidate in RS polls) and hearing for the same is underway. The budget was passed today and the conspiracy to topple our govt has been foiled and our govt will complete 5 years," Sukhu said, according to ANI. 

The Budget was passed in the absence of BJP members as 15 of them were suspended and the remaining ten staged a walk out in protest. The budget was presented on February 17, 2024  by Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, who also holds the finance portfolio. Discussions on the budget were held for four days from February 19 to 22. 

Amid the crisis, Sukhu asserted that they will run the government in Himachal for five years. "Neither the high command has asked me nor anyone else for resignation and there is no such thing," Sukhu told PTI. 

While speaking on the Rajya Sabha elections, he said one of the MLAs who voted for the BJP candidate has asked for forgiveness and added that there is no reason to accept state minister Vikramaditya Singh's resignation. 

"One of the MLAs (who voted for BJP candidate in RS polls) has said to forgive him as he has betrayed the party...People of the state will give them an answer," the Himachal CM said.

"I have spoken with Vikramaditya Singh and he is my younger brother. There is no reason to accept his resignation. He has some grievances that will be solved," he added. 

The Congress government in Himachal is facing an existential crisis after the six MLAs cross-voted.

"We are in touch with some of the MLAs who cross-voted in the Rajya Sabha polls, Sukhu said, adding his government would last its full five-year term," he said earlier today.

Troubles have been mounting for Congress since Tuesday, when it lost the sole Rajya Sabha seat to the BJP with six of its members cross-voting in the poll. 

Himachal Pradesh Public Works Minister Vikramaditya Singh earlier today announced his resignation from the Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu cabinet.