New Delhi: The Karnataka Police have registered an FIR against at least 10 girls for violating prohibitory orders issued under Section 144 of CrPC by staging a protest against the hijab rule outside Girls Empress Govt PU College in Tumkur on February 17, under Sections 143, 145, 188 and 149 of IPC, according to ANI.

Educational institutions in Karnataka, especially schools and colleges are witnessing tense moments over Hijab, which started from Udupi in the December end with some girls insisting that they should be allowed to wear the headscarf as it was their religious right.

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On Friday, a guest lecturer in a private pre-university college Tumkur resigned after she was allegedly asked not to wear Hijab or display any religious symbol.

Chandini, who has been working as a guest lecturer in a private college, teaching English for the past three years told reporters she was hurt after being instructed to hold classes without Hijab or displaying any religious identity according to PTI.

The woman said the principal of the college summoned her and told her they have received orders that no one should take class wearing Hijab or displaying any religious identity.

"For the past three years, I had been holding classes wearing Hijab but this instruction has hurt my self-respect. So I have resigned on my own because I am not okay working without Hijab in that college," she said.In her resignation letter, she wrote, "resigning from my position of lecturer of English subject, as you demanded me to remove my Hijab, which I have been carrying from 3 years in your college. Right to religion is a constitutional right, which nobody could deny. I condemn you undemocratic act", PTI reported. 

The hijab row started in early February when some students weren't allowed to attend classes wearing a hijab at Government Girls PU college in Udupi district in Karnataka, protests began on February 4, which has now spilt from various parts of Karnataka to different parts of the country. In reaction, some Hindu students started coming to college wearing saffron scarves.

The Karnataka government subsequently banned any cloth that could disturb peace, harmony and, public order.

The Karnataka High Court, which is hearing some Muslim girls' plea against the Hijab ban, in its interim order had restricted the use of Hijab and saffron shawl or scarves till the final order.

Earlier this week, the Karnataka government imposed Section 144 in Tumkur district ahead of college reopening. These prohibitory orders have been issued to prevent violence near educational institutions according to media reports. A total of nine districts are currently under Section 144.

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