New Delhi: The Haryana Police on Tuesday deployed tear gas shells, including through drones, at the Shambhu border near Ambala to disperse farmers marching towards Delhi to seek enactment of a law on minimum support price.

Chaotic scenes unfolded at the border as farmers used tractors to remove cemented blocks placed by the police on the Ghaggar River bridge to halt their progress, reported PTI.

The police cited stone-pelting by protesters as the reason for using tear gas shells to control the situation."Stones were pelted at Haryana police by protesters. To control the situation, tear gas shells were being used," said a Haryana police spokesperson.

"No one will be allowed to create disturbance. Those doing so will be dealt with strictly," the spokesperson said, asserting that "the situation is completely under control," reported PTI.

Despite tear gas being deployed, farmers attempted to minimize its impact by covering shells with jute bags and using wet clothes.

Initially, tear gas was used when some youths broke an iron barricade and attempted to throw it off the bridge. Despite police appeals, many protesters remained adamant.

As more farmers gathered, tear gas was again used to disperse them, even as some entered nearby fields. The police also employed drones to monitor the crowd and deploy tear gas shells, as per the PTI report.

Protesting farmers criticized the Haryana government's actions and remained resolute in their march towards Delhi to push for MSP legislation.

Earlier, farmers commenced 'Delhi Chalo' march after inconclusive talks with Union ministers regarding their demands, including MSP legal guarantees.

The Samyukta Kisan Morcha (Non-Political) and the Kisan Mazdoor Morcha have announced that farmers will head to Delhi to press for their demands, notably a law ensuring Minimum Support Price for crops.