Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Tuesday alleged that there was a “big conspiracy” behind the violence which erupted in Nuh after stones were pelted during a religious procession and cars were set on fire on Monday. “This is an unfortunate incident. A Yatra was being organised during which some people conspired an attack on Yatris and police. Violent incidents were reported at several places. There seems to be a big conspiracy behind this,” said the Haryana CM, as per an ANI report.
“Heavy police have been deployed in Nuh district and nearby areas. Curfew has also been imposed in Nuh and Section 144 has been imposed in some places. Around 44 FIRs have been registered and 70 people have been taken into custody,” he added.
“Strict actions will be taken against them. So far 5 people have lost their lives including two police officials. We will provide all possible assistance to them. I appeal to the common people to maintain peace in the district," Khattar said.
Imam Of A Gurugram Mosque Killed By Mob
The violence which erupted over an attempt to stop a procession by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad in Nuh district on Monday reached Gurugram where a mob attacked a mosque and killed its naib imam. The 26-year-old imam was killed and a mosque was set ablaze in Gurugram’s Sector 57 as the violence spread from neighbouring Nuh, said the police on Tuesday, as per a PTI report.
According to the police, the mob reached the Anjuman Masjid in Sector 57 after midnight after which some people in the crowd opened fire at the people present inside the mosque and also set it on fire.
Two people were injured in the attack including the imam — identified as Saad, a native of Bihar — who succumbed to injuries during treatment, said a senior officer.
The situation in Nuh and Sohna continues to be tense. However, there were no reports of any fresh violence on Tuesday. Police and paramilitary forces have been deployed in large numbers in Nuh and the other affected areas, the police said.