The Mamata Banerjee led Trinamool Congress (TMC) hit out at Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday as he arrived in West Bengal for a two-day visit. The official handle of the TMC called called him a 'seasonal bird' and asked him to go back to Delhi and 'do your job'.
"A seasonal bird is here in Bengal but no one wants to see it! Mr @AmitShah, GO BACK TO DELHI and DO YOUR JOB. Clearly, no one in Bengal is interested in your trash-talk, your lies, your hate-laden agenda. Go spew venom elsewhere!," read the Twitter post of TMC.
Amit Shah is in West Bengal on a two-day visit during which he will hold a public meeting and take stock of the organisational strength of the BJP in the state.
"Amit Shah Ji is scheduled to hold a public meeting in Birbhum in the afternoon and inaugurate the district party office in Suri. He will come to the city later in the evening. and will visit Dakshineswar temple and offer puja," PTI reported quoting a senior state BJP leader.
Later in the evening, he will meet with the state party leaders and take stock of the organisational situation at a city hotel.
Shah's visit to Bengal comes ahead of the rural polls in the state next month as the party seeks to strengthen its organisational machinery.
The BJP had won 18 of the 42 Lok Sabha seats in West Bengal in the 2019 general elections.