Prime Minister Narendra Modi while speaking at the concluding leaders session of the Voice of Global South Summit that was hosted by India virtually on Friday said, "Global South is ready to take big responsibility on global issues." He also emphasised that Global South wants its autonomy and is ready to take big responsibilities in world affairs.

Further, he said India is proud to have the opportunity to put the voice of the Global South on the agenda of a forum like G20.

"Two summits of Global South being held in a year and a large participation in it sends out a big message to the world. The message is- Global South wants its autonomy, Global South wants its voice to be heard on Global Governance, Global South is ready to take big responsibility on global issues...India is proud that during an important forum like the G20, we got the opportunity to put the voice of the Global South on the agenda," said PM Modi.

He urged leaders of the summit to work in the direction of one future and commit towards sustainable development .

"We should work in the direction of one future & with an emotion of 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayaas'...We will make our own future & will decide our own destiny. Our commitment towards sustainable development today is a guarantee of welfare...We have to eradicate poverty & along with it protect the land as well," the Prime Minister said while addressing the summit virtually.

PM Modi also spoke about strengthening cooperation in fighting against terrorism and keeping cyberspace safe.

"We will strengthen our cooperation to fight against terrorism. Keeping our cyberspace safe ensuring that technology is not misused by terrorists," said the PM.

Leaders from around 130 countries participated in the summit that was hosted by India through video conferencing.