New Delhi: Amid the strong tension built between India and the neighbouring country China, the troops are preparing themselves for a second consecutive winter in the harsh icy terrains Line of Actual Control (LAC). 

The troops are equipped with the latest Finnish Sako sniper rifles, Israeli Negev Light Machine Guns, the American Sig Sauer assault rifles, as well as a variety of contemporary drones along with the indigenous K9 Vajra T guns and the M777 Ultra-Light Howitzers (ULH) reported News18.

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Senior officials revealed to the news outlet that currently, a huge logistical exercise is taking place to provide the troops with tonnes of special rations and kilolitres of kerosene oil and special fuel oil, along with fresh habitat and clothing suited to the extreme altitude and severe temperatures over the next few months.

News18 reported that the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) has also increased the number of warehouses in the Ladakh region to store larger quantities of ration. The paramilitary force has supplied food and ration to its troops much earlier this year, in the backdrop of the border tensions.

Aside from this, the infrastructure around the LAC is also being ramped up, especially around eastern Ladakh, where they are constructing temporary shelters, roads and bridges for faster mobility of troops. 

13th Round of Talks

The Chinese Army has not agreed to the constructive suggestions given by the Indian Army to resolve the remaining friction points or areas along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and that is why the 13th round of talks concluded without any results, the Indian Army said in a statement on Monday according to ANI.

During the meeting, the Indian side made constructive suggestions for resolving the remaining areas but the Chinese side was not agreeable and also could not provide any forward-looking proposals.

"The meeting thus did not result in resolution of the remaining areas," the Army said, in its statement on the 13th round of corps commander level talks held in Moldo on the Chinese side of the LAC on Sunday.