Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with the media on Wednesday ahead of the first day of the winter session of Parliament and hailed the opportunity provided to India to preside over the G20 summit.

"This #G20Summit isn't just a diplomatic event, it's an opportunity to display India's capability before the world. Such a large country, mother of democracy, such diversity, such capability-it's an opportunity for world to know India &for India to show its capability to world, said the Prime Minister in his interaction with the press.

"The manner in which India has made a space in global community, the manner in which expectations with India have risen & the manner in which India is increasing its participation on global platform, at a time like this, India receiving the #G20Presidency is a huge opportunity,"PM Modi added.

He also highlighted the importance of the winter session and said, "It's the first day of Winter Session. This is important because we met before 15th August. 75 years of Independence completed on 15th Aug and we are going ahead in Azadi ka Amrit Kaal. We are meeting at a time when India has received the opportunity to preside over the G20."

The Prime Minister also laid emphasis on taking up important discussions in the Parliament for the development of the country and urged opposition parties to "add value to discussions."

"In this session, efforts will be made to take important decisions while keeping in mind taking the country to new heights of development & new opportunities to take the country forward amid current global situation. I'm confident that all parties will add value to discussions," said the PM during his interaction.