Washington D.C. : Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his historical address at the joint session of the US Congress at Capitol Hill here on Wednesday, lauded the bonds between the two nations saying that freedom and liberty were the key elements that strengthened ties between them, adding that both countries had overcome the hesitations of history.


In an address peppered with applauses and standing ovations, the Prime Minister emphasized on the successful partnership between 'natural allies' India and U.S., asserting that the importance of freedom and democracy shared by both nations was key to their respective governments.


"Engagement between our democracies has been visible in the manner in which our thinkers impacted one another and shaped the course of our societies. Gandhi's non-violence inspired the heroism of Martin Luther King. The genius of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was nurtured in the years he spent at the Columbia University a century ago," the Prime Minister said.


Praising the U.S. for turning barriers into bridges of partnership, he said that America had stood with India when the support was needed the most, like when terrorists attacked Mumbai in November 2008 and in other economic endeavours as well.


"Ties of commerce and investment are flourishing. We trade more with the U.S. than with any other nation. Defence purchases have moved from almost zero to ten billion dollars in less than a decade. Our cooperation also secures our cities and citizens from terrorists and protects our critical infrastructure from cyber threats," he said.


Talking about how the Indian diaspora in U.S. was a source of pride for India, the Prime Minister said that they symbolised the best of both the societies adding that "Today, they are among your best CEP's academics, astronauts, scientists, economists, doctors, even spelling bee champions."


He further said that his dream is to economically empower India's citizens through social and economic transformations by 2022, the seventy-fifth anniversary of India's independence.


Further stressing on the Indo- U.S. partnership which can anchor peace and stability from Asia to African and from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific, Prime Minister Modi said that the effectiveness of this cooperation would increase if international institutions framed with the mindset of the 20th century were to reflect the realities of today.