New Delhi: Gali Janardhan Reddy, the former Karnataka minister's daughter is tying the knot in November and the billionaire father is leaving no stone unturned to make it grand. The mining baron has invited guests in most unique way.

Unlike the usual Indian wedding cards, Bramhani's (Daughter of Janardhan Reddy) marriage card comes in a lavish box which has a small LCD screen.

When anyone would open the invitation, the LCD screen will play a Kannada song 'Atithi Devobhava' (guest is like God)  featuring Janardhan Reddy, his wife and son.

The bride Bramhani is introduced like any actress of Bollywood movie. She is seen swirling her 'lehenga' and running in slow motion. On the other hand, the groom  is seen with white stallions in the background.

The one-minute video also announces the date and venue of the big fat wedding.

It concludes with the close-up shot of the Reddy family.

Take a look at unique wedding card here: 

49-year-old Janardhan Reddy was one of the most powerful men in Karnataka until he was arrested by the CBI in year 2011 in connection with illegal mining. He was in jail for three years, after which he was released on conditional bail in 2015.