Former Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister & Congress leader Virbhadra Singh passes away at 87 after battling with prolonged illness in the early hours of Thursday. He was 87. The veteran leader breathed his last at Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC) here at around 4 am, senior medical superintendent Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC) Dr. Janak Raj said.
"He was admitted to our hospital on April 30. He was under constant monitoring of our doctors' team. His condition deteriorated two days back & at around 3:40 am he breathed his lasts", Medical Superintendent Dr Janak Raj, Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, Shimla.
He suffered from heart attack on Monday and was critical. He was in the critical care unit of IGMC.
Virbhadra was put on ventilator under the supervision of the doctors of the cardiology department on Wednesday after he had a breathing problem, he added.
The nine-time MLA and five-time MP, Singh served as Himachal Pradesh's chief minister for six times.
Virbhadra had tested positive for COVID-19 on June 11 for the second time in two months.
He had earlier tested positive for the disease on April 12.
Singh had returned home in Holly Lodge here on April 30 from the Chandigarh hospital after getting cured of the first infection.
However, he was admitted to IGMC within hours after reaching home, as he complained of cardiac and breathing problems. He was under treatment in the hospital ever since then.
PM Modi also offered his condolences and expressed grief, "Virbhadra Singh had a long political career, with rich administrative and legislative experience. He played a pivotal role in Himachal Pradesh and served the people of the state. Saddened by his demise. Condolences to his family and supporters."
As a mark of respect to former CM and Congress leader Virbhadra Singh, the Government of Himachal Pradesh has decided to observe three days of state mourning, from 8th July to 10th July.
(With agency inputs)