Farmers' Protests: Politics of the country is now bustling around the ongoing protest of farmers as their agitation against the three farm laws has entered its 23rd straight day, however a breakthrough eludes the stir as Centre strongly backs the laws while the protesters demand a complete rollback. The protesting farmers have made it clear that they will call off their protest only when the three contentious laws will be repealed.

Also Read: After SC Cognisance, Narendra Tomar Writes 8-Page Letter To Farmers; PM Urges Protesters To Read It

Braving the dropping temperature, thousands of farmers have been staying put at Delhi borders including Singhu border, Chilla border and Tikri border.  Northern states like Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh will continue to witness the blast of the winter chill for the next two days, IMD has said.

The Supreme Court on Thursday pronounced that it will not interfere with the farmers' protest as the right to protest is fundamental right, but emphasised on forming a committee comprising independent and impartial persons, including domain experts, to resolve the impasse between Centre and farmers unions.

The Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020; the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020 and the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020 which have been enacted by the Parliament recently, have triggered the massive protests of farmers.

Here are the top developments:

Prime Minister Modi to interact with farmers of MP in virtual session: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address farmers' conferences in Madhya Pradesh through video conferencing on Friday. On Thursday, the Prime Minister appreciated Tomar for "attempting to have a polite dialogue" with the farmers through an open letter, requesting them to read it.

On December 16, Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar addressed the 'Kisan Sammelan' in Gwalior.

PM retweets Tomar’s open letter to farmers:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar through his letter to farmers has made an effort to engage in a humble dialogue, and appealed to the 'annadaatas' to read it. Tomar, in an eight-page open letter to farmers, said the Modi government is committed to the welfare of farmers and stressed that the new agri laws are aimed at benefiting small and marginal farmers.

"Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar has written a letter to farmer brothers and sisters and expressed his feelings, he has made an effort to engage in a humble dialogue. I request all 'annadaatas' (farmers), do read it. I also request all the people of the country to ensure that this letter reaches more and more people," Modi tweeted in Hindi.

Another BKU faction reaches Noida; homage paid to 'martyrs' of farmers stir: Another group of farmers reached Noida on Thursday and attempted to move to Delhi to join the bigger stir against the new agri laws but was prohibited by police deployed in a large number near the Chilla border.

Scores of members of the Bharatiya Kisan Union (Ambavat) faction were stopped near Mahamaya flyover on the Noida-Delhi Link Road, with the development obstructing traffic movement on the key route, according to police officials.

Replicate Chhattisgarh farm policy to end stir: Baghel to Centre: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Thursday said if the Centre replicates the farm policy of his government, the ongoing farmers agitation outside Delhi against new agri-marketing laws would be called off in a day.

Kejriwal tears copies of farm laws, BJP calls it gimmick:

Delhi BJP president Adesh Gupta slammed Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who tore the copies of three farm laws in the Assembly on Thursday, saying it was a "political stunt" and "gimmick" in view of Punjab politics.

Kejriwal assailed the BJP-ruled Centre over the recent farm laws during a special session of the Delhi Assembly and tore the copies of the three legislations, saying he cannot betray the farmers.