Farmers have resumed their march towards the national capital a day after a tumultuous turn of events at the Punjab-Haryana border which saw the protestors clashing with the police, firing of tear gas and use of water cannons. A temporary 'ceasefire' was declared on Tuesday night but no respite was in sight the next day as farmers gathered at the borders resolute to enter Delhi as security forces reinforced arrangements. 

Top Developments So Far From Day 2:

1. A high-level meeting chaired by Agriculture Minister Arjun Munda along with top officials of the ministry is underway to deliberate on the new demands put forward by the farmer unions, sources said.

2. Police fired tear gas shells to disperse the agitating farmers who were approaching the police barricade at the Shambhu border.

3. The Centre made fresh appeals for talks and asked the protestors to not disrupt normal life. Union Agriculture Minister Arjun Munda said, "I had already said that our efforts to hold positive discussions with the farmers' union will continue." He added, "We are ready to hold discussions... We need to take into account all the sides and hold the talks...I request the farmers' union to maintain the environment for discussions..."

4. The Centre reiterated the willingness to resolve the crisis through discussions and said more time was needed for deliberations on new demands. Union Minister Anurag Thakur said, "I would like to say that the Modi Government has taken several steps in the last 10 years to encourage the agriculture sector and for the welfare of farmers. When they posed their demands, the government sent its senior leaders and continued the dialogue...What is the reason that new demands are being added to the demands?...If new demands are being added, more time is also required. States need time to hold discussions. We are ready to continue the discussions."

He advised the farmers to not indulge in arson and vandalism and said, "Most of their demands have been accepted but the new demands require more time. I urge the agitators to not indulge in vandalism, arson or violence. I request farmer leaders to come and have discussions..."

5. Meanwhile, the entry points leading to the capital have been further reinforced to stop the protestors as the security forces stand guard.