The Delhi Police has filed a case against fake Facebook account under PM Modi’s name asking for relief funds for COVID-19. The fraudsters linked with the account are found to be from West Bengal and Jharkhand. There have been about 6 other accounts that claim to collect relief funds under PM Modi’s name which the police have caught and sealed.

While PM Modi works hard to fight against the Coronavirus outbreak, fraudsters try to use his name to loot people in the name of relief funds.

The fake Facebook account which has PM Modi’s photograph and a message regarding Coronavirus and is looking to collect relief fund to help with the fight against COVID-19. The account contains an account number from Andhra Bank 281110100043288 what was suspicious was that the details also contained IFSC code ANDB 0001092.

Delhi’s cyber cell received information about the fake account from social media and when they investigated this, they found out that a bank account was provided on the Facebook page for people to make donations under PM relief funds. The police started digging further and even asked the PMO whether such an account was created when they found out that no such was account was created by the PMO for funds, then the police started investigating and found that the account was linked to West Bengal and Jharkhand. The police have identified some people who are responsible for this scam and are going to make arrests very soon.

According to the police, they are now investigating with Andhra Bank more about the account and trying to find out how much money has been deposited to this account and when was this account opened. They will soon find out the details and capture all who were responsible. Another such scam started with UPI accounts which too were opened claiming to be PM Relief Fund for Coronavirus.

The Prime Minister Relief Fund and PM Cares were created to fight against the deadly Coronavirus and those effect by it, but the sad truth it that fraudsters use it as an excuse to loot people. The police have so far caught and sealed 8 accounts claiming to collect relief funds.