New Delhi: Coronavirus seems to be spreading everywhere and there is a possibility of an extension of the lockdown. Amidst the fear and panic, there is also a ray of hope like Delhi’s coronavirus hotspot Dilshad Garden that is now completely free of the virus. Dilshad Garden in the Northeast of Delhi was one of the earliest coronavirus hotspots in Delhi.

The virus spread in the area after a woman who is a resident of the area returned from her visit to Saudi Arabia. She soon started experiencing symptoms such as coughing and fever. To get herself checked she went to a nearby Mohalla Clinic in Maujpur. She was found to be positive for coronavirus. All those who met her which included a doctor and 8 other persons were also found to be positive. Dilshad Garden was then declared as a hotspot and the blocks J, K,L and M in the area were considered the most dangerous. The area was then put under a complete lockdown by the end of March and then the that Delhi government began ‘Operation Shield’.

A medical team of 123 personnel was set up and door to door screening of residents was undertaken and those displaying major symptoms were tested. The entire area was also sanitized. With continued efforts, Dilshad Garden has now been declared free of coronavirus by the Delhi government. There has not been a single case reported from the area in the past 10 days.

Anil Sharma Vice President of J and K block of Dilshad Garden told ABP News, ‘It is good to hear that Dilshad Garden is free of the virus. The SDM of the area had demarcated a strict boundary line ‘lakshman Rekha’ and the residents here adhered to it.” He feels that this was also a reason for successfully converting Dilshad Garden from a coronavirus hotspot to a ‘corona free’ area.

Dilshad Garden is a testimony of what can be achieved if all the quarantine measures are followed properly along with efforts by the government and health authorities.