New Delhi: Months after a major reshuffle of the Union Council of Ministers, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday held a marathon meeting with the secretaries of various central government departments and discussed governance delivery.

In the meeting held at the prime minister’s official residence on Lok Kalyan Marg, Prime Minister Modi expressed that the bureaucrats have vision for development but lack in the execution. 

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After listening to the secretaries, PM Modi said it is praiseworthy that they all have vision but wondered why is it that the vision is not being executed, news agency PTI quoted sources as saying. PM Modi advised to do away with ‘Babu culture’ and rather than acting like a secretary of a department, they should act like the leader of their respective teams.

PM Modi reportedly said that secretaries are not just bureaucrats but also the agents of change and development, who should focus on the delivery of governance. He directed the officials to make sure that any project or scheme which is launched, gets completed and implemented on the ground. 

During the meeting, which went on for close to four hours, several officials too shared their views on various policy-related matters and made suggestions on further improving governance and delivery on the ground. 

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In the aftermath of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the prime minister has held various meetings with ministers and top officials in order to inject fresh energy and zeal, and ensure smooth implementation of government functionary and programmes.