Bharatiya Janata Party MP and actor Kangana Ranaut has sought help from police after she received death threats ahead of her movie release 'Emergency'. Ranaut is playing the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the movie and the threats came shortly after the trailer of her movie was released. 

A video was uploaded on social media where Vicky Thomas Singh, a Christian turned Nihang Sikh, made a veiled reference to the assassination of the former PM while addressing the BJP MP. 

"If in the movie he (slain Khalistani militant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale) is portrayed as a terrorist, remember what happened to the person (Indira Gandhi) whose movie you are doing," he said in the video. 

"Who were Satwant Singh and Beant Singh? We will offer our head to Santji, and those who can offer head can also chop it off," said the man in the video. 

Sharing the video on her timeline on X, the Mandi BJP MP asked Maharashtra Police, Himachal Pradesh Police, and Punjab Police to look into the matter. 

The upcoming political period movie based on the imposition of the Emergency in 1975 is facing the heat from the Sikh community who have alleged the movie of hurting religious sentiments. Last week, the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) and Akal Takht called for an immediate ban on the movie. They also demanded an FIR against Ranaut for allegedly attempting to "character assassinate" the Sikh community.

ALSO READ: 'Emergency' In Trouble? SGPC Committee Demands Ban On Kangana Ranaut's Political Drama

On August 21, SGPC chief Harjinder Singh Dhami held a press conference and urged swift action against the actor-politician and her film. He also alleged the Central Board for Film Certification to be "biased" 
and demanded the inclusion of the Sikh community on the censor board. 

Akal Takht head Gyani Raghbir Singh claimed the movie to be a part of a "deep conspiracy" and said that it is trying to "character assassinate" Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale. 

The movie is scheduled for a worldwide theatrical release on September 6. Alongside Ranaut, the movie also features Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair, and Milind Soman.