Former Punjab Chief Minister, Captain Amarinder Singh is floating the option of creating his own political party. The news hasn't been confirmed yet, but a report in Hindustan times claims the same. 

There are chances that the former Punjab CM could also join the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as an alliance partner ahead of the Punjab Assembly polls of 2022. These speculations are getting voices after Captain met Home Minister Amit Shah in New Delhi. 

Also Read | Amarinder Singh Responds To Harish Rawat's Rebuttal Amid Report Of Him Floating 'Punjab Vikas Party'

Amarinder Singh told that he intends to visit New Delhi again to formally end ties with the Congress party. Even though Amarinder has resigned from the post of CM, he is still a full-time member of the Congress party. Thus, the formal end to Captain's Congress career might come to an end soon. 

“I’m going to tell the G-23 to hit the field, to reach out to people rather than expressing concerns in social media,” Captain told Hindustan Times. 

On 20 September 2021, Singh stepped down as CM of Punjab citing "humiliation" that he had to face in the Congress party. He said, “Publicly I felt humiliated and personally I was hurt because my relations with the Gandhis go back to the days when Rajiv Gandhi and I were in Doon School in 1954”

Responding to statements made by Harish Rawat - the Congress' Punjab in charge - Singh said, “If the party didn't intend to humiliate me then why was Navjot Singh Sidhu allowed to openly criticise and attack me on social media and other public platforms for months? Why did the party give the rebels, led by Sidhu, a free hand in undermining my authority?” to ANI.